
  • Sports Nutrition
    Sports Nutrition

    5 reasons you feel nauseated during exercise

    There is nothing worse than feeling nauseated while exercising. If you’re trying to push yourself in a competition or training session and find that you’re feeling sick, here are a few reasons why this might be happening and what you can do about it. Your blood sugar is low.  Low…

  • Sports Nutrition
    Sports NutritionTriathlon

    Pre-hydration for athletes

    Hydration is a hot topic. Everyone seems to want to know how to hydrate right. It gets confusing with so many products on the market. There are hydration powders, sports drinks, electrolyte tablets, salt tablets, coconut water, plain old water, and more. We have an amazing course on what product…

  • Triathlon

    What happened when I got a bike fit

    Have you had a bike fit lately (or ever)? I had a bike fit when I first bought my bike, but since then I have dis-assembled and re-assembled it, and it’s never quite been the same! After having pain from the saddle breaking down, lower back pain, and numbness in…

  • rock climbing
    rock climbing

    What to eat during climbing

    Check out my latest contribution to Rock and Ice Magazine for fueling tips during climbing. For more information on nutrition for outdoor climbing GET THE BOOK Nutrition for Climbers: Fuel for the Send And check out our separate website dedicated entirely to nutrition for climbers.   We also have on-demand courses…

  • Recipes

    Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe

    It’s officially fall. The leaves are turning colors and you can feel a crispness in the air. If you’re the kind of person that can’t wait for all things pumpkin, now is your time to really embrace the seasonal foods. (You know who you are, pumpkin spice latte lover!) If…

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