The best books I recommend over and over again
Here are some of my favorite books that I recommend to clients on a regular basis. These books offer hope, practical solutions, and useable information. And–best of all–they are based in science! I hope these books will help you start the new year off right and reach your own personal goals.
Body image books
Body Kindness, Rebecca Scritchfield
An easy yet helpful read, this has ideas and prompts to help you learn to appreciate your body and all it does for you.
More Than A Body, Lexi Kite and Lindsay Kite
This is probably the most helpful and profound book I’ve come across that addresses how marketing and media play a role in body image, what you can do to identify body objectification, and how to help your own body image with self-compassion. It’s chock full of research and amazing insights useful for anyone with a body.
Non-diet books
The F*ck it Diet, Caroline Dooner
I don’t like swearing, but if you can get past it, this book is like reading humor column detailing the author’s own experience with dieting and how she rid herself of the diet roller coaster. Helpful for people going through the same experience that want to feel connected and understood.
Anti-Diet, Christy Harrison
Meticulously researched, this book is an easy and interesting read about the origins of diet culture, BMI, the obesity industry, and more. It offers solutions to health and well-being without dieting.
Intuitive Eating, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch
This book and it’s accompanying workbook by the same name have been literally life-changing for many. I use this book as the basis for intuitive eating coaching and workshops. The intuitive eating model is backed by over 120 scientific studies, and its a framework to understanding how to tune into body cues to nourish yourself. If you can only buy and read one book this year, this is it (and More Than A Body! They are both so good!)
Health Food Junkies, Steven Bratman
The author pioneered the term “orthorexia,” which refers to the pursuit of clean, healthy eating to the extent that it becomes disordered. This book has stood the test of time and is a fascinating read that can help you identify if you have any disruptions with your own relationship with food.
The Four Tendencies, Gretchen Rubin
Totally not a diet or nutrition book, this one talks about different personality types and how it affects your approach to life and interactions with people around you. I found this book really helpful for understanding myself, my family, my kids, and my clients. Basically, if you want to understand people better, this is a great book.
Practical nutrition books
No Period, Now What?, Nicole Rinaldi
A must-read for any woman that has lost her period or had irregular periods, this is a guide to how to get it back, what to talk with your doctor about, which labs to get, how to eat, and more.
Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook, Nancy Clark
A simple, down-to-earth guide for basic sports nutrition principles. Bonus: about half the book has recipes. It’s like a sports nutrition book and cook book all in one.
Nutrition for Climbers: Fuel for the Send, Marisa Michael
I wrote this book because climbers deserve to have a practical, science-based resource for all things climbing nutrition. It’s beautifully designed and illustrated, and an easy read (if I do say so myself!). A must-have for any climber.
Bike Shorts: Your Complete Guide to Indoor Cycling, Marisa Michael
A short read for anyone wanting to try indoor cycling but feels intimidated. Also useful for regular riders, this book goes over gear, class etiquette, nutrition and hydration, bike fit, and more.
The Athlete’s Guide is a 56-page toolkit full of infographics and journaling prompts to help you have a good relationship with food, body, and sport.
Note: I am not affiliated with any of these books, nor do I get compensation for their sale, except the three that I wrote.